Graduate News & Announcements

March 2023

Bryan Raymundo


The Kansas State University Department of Art will present the exhibition, These Things Happen At Night, by MFA Candidate Bryan Raymundo from March 20-24 in the Mark A. Chapman Gallery, in Willard Hall. A reception will be held from 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm on Friday, March 24 in the gallery. Events are free and open to the public.

Bryan Raymundo is originally from Wichita, Kansas and earned his BFA in Studio Art with an emphasis in Printmaking from Wichita State University. He has participated in regional solo and group exhibitions nationwide and has won multiple awards for his prints. While an undergraduate student at WSU, he organized three steamroller events which brought art and local communities together.

As a first generation Mexican American, Bryan Raymundo uses his own personal experience to reflect on notions of cultural displacement and stereotype. Portraiture and representations of the human figure combine with a rich range of images combed from Mexico and America in both the prints and ceramic sculptures. Dissecting lines carved into the plates and blocks before printing create a sense of fragmentation and separation, and large sections sharply cut away during the working process take on meaning through their absence. Combined with the linear, metal pedestals that surround and protect the ceramic pieces, the prints and ceramics in the exhibition create a visual parallel for the feeling of otherness, and the cumulative challenge of navigating two cultures.

Instagram: @raymundoprintmaker

Cursed of the Comp

Funding for this show was provided in part by the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Small Grant Program for K-State Graduate Students. These events are also presented and funded in part, by KSU SGA Fine Arts Fee.

Makenzie Burmeister


The Kansas State University Department of Art will present the exhibition, Collisions, by MFA Candidate Makenzie Burmeister from March 6-10 in the Mark A. Chapman Gallery in Willard Hall, Kansas State University campus. A reception will be held from 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm on Friday, March 10th in the gallery. Events are free and open to the public.

Makenzie Burmeister is originally from Gretna, Nebraska and earned her BFA in Art Education with an emphasis in Ceramics from the University of South Dakota. During her time there she played soccer and won multiple awards for her sculpture and ceramics pieces.

Collisions showcases site-reflective installation, drawing, and assemblage sculptures that combine the use of new digital applications with conventional ceramics and drawing processes. Cast and found materials evocative of construction and labor are recontextualized and combined through meditative, rhythmic, and highly repetitive action, transforming them from the mundane and industrial into explorative, expressive, and introspective works.

Yellow Structure

Instagram: @burmeisterceramics

Funding for this show was provided in part by the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Small Grant Program for K-State Graduate Students. These events are also presented and funded in part, by KSU SGA Fine Arts Fee.

February 2023

KSU Master of Fine Arts Show at Manhattan Arts Center


Congratulations to our Master of Fine Arts Students! Master of Fine Arts Students will be showing their work at the Manhattan Arts Center from February 18th to March 18th in a lively exhibit. The Gallery hours are Monday through Friday 12:00PM-5:30 PM, Saturday hours will be announced.

November 2022

Bryan Raymundo

Congratulations to Bryan Raymundo, master's award winner of the GSC Award for Graduate Student Teaching Excellence, sponsored by Kansas State University's Graduate Student Council.

Read about Bryan and his award here:


Also, Congrats to Bryan Raymundo on his solo exhibition: “Primero,” Roberta and Bob Rogers Gallery in Omaha. Nov. 10, 2022 - Jan. 7, 2023.

September 2022

Shea Kister

Shea Kister Residency

Congratulations to Shea Kister (MFA, 2022), who was awarded a long-term artist residency at Baltimore Clayworks!

Elena Masrour

Elena Masrour Show
Congratulations to Elena Masrour (MFA, 2022) on her artist’s talk and solo show, We’re Not in Tehran Anymore, at the Lawrence Art Center, August 5 - September 10. Her recorded talk is featured on LAC's website.
Congratulations also, to Elena on her full-time teaching position starting this fall, at Cleveland Institute of Art!

Jolynn Reigeluth

Jolynn Reigeluth Show
Congratulations to Jolynn Reigeluth (MFA, 2012), on hersolo exhibition, Low Hanging Fruit, at Cerbera Gallery in Kansas City, September - October.

March 2022

Elena Masrour

oil painting

Biking on a Sunny Day, watercolor and oil on canvas, 60’’x 50” 2022

The Kansas State University Department of Art presented the exhibition, We’re not in Tehran anymore,” by MFA Candidate Elena Masrour from March 21-25 in the Mark A. Chapman Gallery in Willard Hall, Kansas State University campus. A reception will be held from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm on Friday, March 25 in the gallery. Events are free and open to the public.

Elena Masrour is originally from Tehran, Iran, and received her BA in Fabric and Textile Design from the Tehran University of Art where she ranked 134th in the National Entrance Exam among more than 50,000 participants. While a young artist in Iran she received an Emerging Artist Award from the Iranian Visual Arts Association.

The paintings in this exhibition reflected some of the many difficulties women living in Iran have had to endure following the Islamic Revolution of 1978-1979. The segregation of women in terms of familial obligations, religious rituals, legal privileges, and personal and political power is addressed through the use of Persian iconography, and images and narratives combed from personal experience and Iranian pop culture. We’re not in Tehran anymore draws inspiration from the superheroines of the Golden Age of American comics as a vehicle for engaging viewers in the challenging content, and as a nod to the freedom of speech that Elena Masrour has been able to enjoy while studying art in Kansas.

Instagram: Elena.M (@elenamasrour)

Funding for this show was provided in part by the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Small Grant Program for K-State Graduate Students. These events are also presented and funded in part, by KSU SGA Fine Arts Fee.

Shea Kister

ceramic art

Beware of the Bathroom Floor I, stoneware and low fire glaze, 5.5" x 11" x 8.5", 2021

The Kansas State University Department of Art presented the exhibition, “Please, Sit Down.” by MFA Candidate Shea Kister from March 7th, 2022 – March 11th, 2022, in the Mark A. Chapman Gallery in Willard Hall, Kansas State University campus.

Shea Kister wis a ceramicist and interdisciplinary artist originally from Omaha, Nebraska. She holds a BFA in ceramics and photography, with minor study in the areas of art history and psychology from the University of South Dakota. She works primarily in clay but also incorporates printmaking techniques and mixed media. In 2020, she was awarded the Angelo C. Garzio Scholarship for Studio Pottery and has exhibited her work across the United States.

Inspired by her study of trauma’s effects on memory as well as personal and social relationships, her work enlists notions of fragmentation, discontinuity, memory distortion, and dissociation through the use of scale, surface application, and materials. Creating manifestations of how feeling indescribable emotions can be outwardly represented, she presents her work within an immersive context that allows the viewer to experience familiar, though possibly uneasy feelings – the kind that might emerge from memory and the limitations of verbal or written language. INSTAGRAM: @sheakisterceramics

Funding for this show was provided in part by the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Small Grant Program for K-State Graduate Students. These events are also presented and funded in part, by KSU SGA Fine Arts Fee.


Congratulations to Sepideh Badakhshanian, Shea Kister, and Elena Masrour, for receiving AHSS grants for their MFA thesis work.

Sepideh Badakhshanian

photographic art

Deprivation, Photography, dimensions (11”x17”), 2022

The exhibition, Deprivation , by MFA Candidate Sepideh Badakhshanian, was presented in the Mark A. Chapman Gallery, from February 28 – March 4. A reception will be held from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm on Friday, March 4 in the gallery. Events are free and open to the public.

The body of works included in this show focus on women’s feelings in Iran’s traditional and conservative society, portraying the pain that accompanies Iranian women as they are subjected to sexual violence, harassment, legal discrimination, and cultural notions of taboo, along with a questioning of patriarchal ideologies in Iran and Middle Eastern cultures.

Funding for this show is provided in part by the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Small Grant Program for K-State Graduate Students. These events are also presented and funded in part, by KSU SGA Fine Arts Fee.

Michael Burke

intaglio print

Its Painful Absences Covers All, Intaglio, 34”x23”, 2021

The Kansas State University Department of Art presented the exhibition, “Disquiet” by MFA Candidate Michael Burke, 2/21 – 2/25 in the Mark A. Chapman Gallery in Willard Hall, K-State Campus.

Michael Burke is originally from Forest Grove, Oregon, and received his BFA in printmaking from the Oregon State University where he was awarded multiple scholarships in printmaking and art. During one of the most traumatic and solitary times in history, Michael Burke uses experimental and counter-intuitive printmaking methods in order to process and transform the haunting and arresting memories of personal trauma. His abstracted spaces and environments expose the remnants that reside between memories of pain and contemporary vision. Michael Burke’s etchings offer hope within the darkness, inviting the viewer to reflect on their own life experience and survival

This event was presented and funded in part, by the KSU SGA Fine Arts Fee.



September 2021


Kelly Yarbrough, K-State MFA, 2016, to present at TEDx Austin College, 2021

Kelly’s talk, entitled, The Tallgrass Prairie & the Power of Perenniality took place on Saturday, September 25th. Congratulations, Kelly!


Congratulations, to Dee Roof, K-State MFA, 2020, for being awarded a Visiting Lectureship in the Art Department at Avila University, in Kansas City!


Congratulations to Nick Bayer, MFA, 2007, and his company, Createco Studios, on their latest public mural! Nick’s project was supported by the Oklahoma City 1% for Art Ordinance and may be seen in the MAPS 3, Health and Wellness Center 2, at 4021 South Walker Avenue in Oklahoma City.

OKC Arts