Shreepad Joglekar
The Lindy E. Bell Department Head of Art
Associate Professor of Photography
Office: 111 Willard Hall
M.F.A. in Photography with a Minor in Drawing, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, 2006
B.F.A. with a Specialization in Visualization, Sir JJ. Institute of Applied Art, Mumbai (Bombay), India, 1998
Shreepad Joglekar is a worker from Mumbai, India. He has been awarded residencies at the National Center for Contemporary Art, Kronstadt, St. Petersburg, Russia; Weir Farm National Historic Site in Branchville, CT; the Millay Colony for the Arts in Austerlitz, NY; and A.I.R. Studio in Paducah, KY. His recent exhibitions include Non-Places of Intelligence at Portico Library Gallery, Manchester, UK, and Rural America, at Piramal Gallery, National Center for the Performing Art, Mumbai, India. His work is held in the permanent collections of Center for Photography as an Art Form (NCPA), Mumbai, India; The Center for Fine Art Photography, Fort Collins, CO; Harper College Educational Foundation Art Collection, Palatine, IL; and Chashama Nonprofit Group, NY, NY. His work has also been shown in several galleries in the US, Canada, China, Cuba, Egypt, Germany, India, Poland, and the United Kingdom. He has presented at interdisciplinary conferences in the US, France, and the United Kingdom. Intersections of Marxist thought with architecture and landscape theories stimulate his research. Exploring natural, constructed, and intellectual spaces have been a dominant theme in his work.
Recent Grants:
2024 - Johnson Cancer Research Center (KSU) Innovative Research Award for the documentary project Surveying the Invisible: Cancer and Research in Kansas.
2023 - Chapman Center for Rural Studies Grant for the collaborative project The Learning Tree, Still Learning, focusing on the work and legacy of Gordon Parks (KSU Departments involved: Art, English), In collaboration with the Gordon Parks Museum, Fort Scott, KS.
2019 - (Kansas Department of Commerce) Kansas Creative Arts Industries Commission matching grant for collaborative (KSU Departments involved: Art, Journalism and Mass Communication, English) interdisciplinary documentary project Hungry Heartland, focusing on food accessibility and insecurity in Kansas.
2018 - Union of Concerned Scientists grant for collaborative (KSU Departments involved: Art, Journalism and Mass Communication, English) interdisciplinary documentary project Hungry Heartland, focusing on food accessibility and insecurity in Kansas.
2018 - Northwest Kansas Economic Innovation Center Inc. (NWKEICI) grant for collaborative (KSU Departments involved: Art, Journalism and Mass Communication, English) interdisciplinary documentary project Hungry Heartland, focusing on food accessibility and insecurity in Kansas.
Recent samples from the series: Tempora Incognita
Recent samples from the series: Future Perfect